“Just Mercy” Summer Study

“Just Mercy” Summer Study

Over the summer, the Faith and Community adult Sunday School class has been reading and discussing Bryan Stevenson’s book, Just Mercy, as part of Pastor Mindy Douglas’ sabbatical on “Breaking Down the Dividing Walls: Truth-telling, Reparations, and Racial Equity.”  The study will conclude this Sunday, August 18 with a panel discussion that will include persons from the community with knowledge of and experience with mass incarceration and the redemptive potential of justice and mercy.  Click here for the study schedule. All are welcome.

An introduction to Bryan Stevenson, the author of Just Mercy and the Founder/Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, can be found here.

HBO released a documentary about Bryan Stevenson recently. It can be viewed here free of charge for 30 days.

On July 7th, JaQuan McGhee shared his personal story with the class and showed part of the documentary about his life, Leaving Anacostia. View the entire documentary about JaQuan’s life here.