2025 Stewardship Campaign Brochure
2025 Stewardship Campaign
Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service,
Living in Love
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Dear friends,
As we enter a new season of our faith journey together, we invite you to reflect on the theme for this year's stewardship campaign: Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service, Living in Love. This theme beautifully captures the essence of our shared life in Christ and our calling as a church community.
At the heart of everything we do is our faith, firmly rooted in the love of God. Like a tree that stands strong because of its deep roots, we too are grounded in our faith and the enduring promises of the Gospel. Through our participation in worship, prayer, music, and study, we draw closer to God and to each other.
Just as a tree bears fruit when it is nourished, our faith calls us to action to address the needs in our community, the nation, and the world. Together we bag rice and beans, serve meals at Urban Ministries, collect school supplies, support medical debt relief, join mission trip builds, aid refugee families, advocate for racial justice, and work with those released from prison to name a few. And as we grow in service, in response to our faith, we move closer to living in love with God and our neighbor.
Individual and collective stewardship of our time, talents, and treasure is critical to supporting the work of FPC and its mission. Through generous giving by you and others, the annual stewardship campaign provides more than 94% of the money needed to support our annual operating budget. This budget employs the staff, maintains the facilities, funds our worship, educational programming, and fellowship, and supports over 20 ministries and organizations in our community.
Our 2025 Needs Budget is $1.2 million, and we are seeking a modest 3.5 - 5.0% increase in pledge donations from all those who have pledged in 2024 or earlier.
For those who have not pledged before, we ask you to consider making a pledge this year as an act of discipleship and in support of the mission and ministries of the FPC.
Let us be a people rooted in faith, growing in service, and living in love.
In Christ’s love,
Mindy Douglas, Pastor/Head of Staff
Jon Abels, Stewardship Committee Chair

Service & Mission
When we joined FPC, the statement “downtown by history and by choice” and the commitment to the community this implied resonated with us. We were drawn into service and advocacy projects by our fellow FPC members, helping with Habitat houses, participating in marches, volunteering at Emanuel Food Pantry and, while joining in these activities, we learned of the depth of involvement FPC has in service.
2024 Global Budget by Function
Number of households who pledged in 2024
Amount | #of Pledges |
$1 to $999 | 31 |
$1,000 to $1,999 | 35 |
$2,000 to $2,999 | 29 |
$3,000 to $3,999 | 26 |
$4,000 to $5,999 | 28 |
$6,000 to $9,999 | 24 |
$10,000 to $19,999 | 17 |
$20,000 and above | 9 |
average annual pledge
median annual pledge
families donated in 2024
Inclusion & Welcome
We have quickly grown to love this church family and the cultural diversity which we have found at First Presbyterian Church. We have been warmly welcomed and believe that new visitors will find the same welcome spirit. FPC cares for the needs of everyone in this congregation. In particular, FPC celebrates those who grow and mature from birth to adulthood and appreciates the gifts of wisdom of its seniors. The church also supports those facing the challenges of raising children and finding their place in the world and in their faith. FPC additionally ministers to many neighbors in downtown Durham and our extended community: some are students and their families; some have moved to the greater Durham area without families; and others are here for employment opportunities and need a new family of faith to nurture them. FPC also welcomes their experiences and their willingness to share in the joy of being a church family.
Worship & Faith Formation
Faith Formation classes have been an essential part of our family’s engagement in our wonderful church community. Fourteen years ago, when our daughter Mary Ellis was a toddler, Keith and I taught Faith Formation class for the youngest among us. We cherished the role of shepherding our youngest churchgoers through precious lessons of God’s promises and Christ’s love.
I love and treasure the people in FPC's community, from the choir where Kate and I met to Faith Formation classes our children attend. But to me, the way we build community is much bigger than just the wonderful people – from the staff and volunteers who care for our building, sanctuary, and grounds, to those who support our walk-in ministry for people who need help with rent and energy bills. Community includes the "church invisible," those who have gone before us and from their labors rest, the labors that produced the church we all inherit. The idea of community is more than just a nice idea—I wrote my graduate thesis on how community works in the context of community land ownership in rural Scotland. I ended up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what community really meant. In the end, I decided to follow anthropologist Stephen Gudeman's definition: a community always surrounds something we hold in common. No commons, no community, and vice versa.