Faith Formation (All ages)
SUNDAYS 9:45-10:45 a.m. Robert Daye Meeting Room | Adult Lectionary | This class looks at the four lectionary texts appointed for that day’s worship. This is a great way to deepen one’s appreciation of worship, knowing the background for the liturgy, hymnody and sermon for the day. |
SUNDAYS 9:45-10:45 a.m. Watts-Hill Hall | Faith & Community | This class lives at the intersection of Christianity and the lived experiences of our tradition and our world, of faith and community. Topics include spiritual formation, care of creation, seasonal liturgies, and social justice. |
SUNDAYS 9:45 -10:45 a.m. Wilson Parlor | Journeys | This class is for those who desire to journey through the scriptures in an in-depth study using both printed and online resources. |
SUNDAYS Zoom only - 8 PM Link will be sent by leaders weekly via the MnMs Google Groups listserve | MnM Meaning in the Middle | We meet on Sunday evenings to share the ups and downs of our lives and discuss a (very) short reading about faith. We talk about how to find God and meaning in the middle of wherever we are: as Christians, as professionals, as friends and family, as parents, as middle-of-life adults (whatever that circumstance might look like for you). We also gather monthly at HiWire Brewery or for potlucks and have an annual retreat for planning and fellowship. |

The goal of children’s ministry at First Presbyterian Church is to nurture the spirit and the faith of our children as they grow. We also strive to support parents in helping their children grow in faith. We believe that parents/families/caregivers are their children’s primary faith guides.

OUTDOOR option for Pre-K through 2nd grade: Sundays, FPC playground, weather permitting
GODLY PLAY: 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
Stories are presented visually with small props. The class is invited to consider “Wondering” questions as they reflect on the story that was presented. Check in for the week and prayer time ends the session!
MUSIC FOR CHILDREN: Children are welcome to join Lenore Champion and others on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:00 a.m. in the Godly Playroom to learn and sing songs.
Check out our 2021 Christmas Pageant HERE