
Young adult, mid-lifer or octogenarian.
Whether you’re hoping to connect across or within generations, around shared hobbies or just find an opportunity for food, fun and fellowship First Presbyterian offers a variety of ways for all ages to begin building new relationships.

The Somethings is a group of 20-30 something year old’s finding community with each other as they navigate the changing landscape of jobs, graduate studies, moves and all the other life changes that happen during young adulthood. We gather around scripture for Lenten and Advent devotional series, Home Fellowship meals once a month, pop-up events at breweries and parks, social justice events in our city and show up to support each other’s passions.
This is a joyful, curious, boisterous, intentional, tender and inclusive group. Whoever you are and however you move in this world—you are welcome. Reach out to Rev. Esther Hethcox to connect.
A group of mostly retired individuals (who really knows) meeting monthly for lunch at varying local restaurants. A lively and energetic group with a wide range of ages and topics making for exciting conversation and lots of laughter. Participants take turns choosing the restaurant, so everyone gets to try each other’s favorite haunts.
For more information contact Mickey Velkey.

Always wanted to learn more about birding or beekeeping, Durham history, or join with others on a work project or Habitat build? Twice a year we curate opportunities from the hobbies and skills of FPC members and friends, gather in small groups, learn more about each other and share a new experience ranging from a walking history tour of downtown Durham to hiking at the Eno. It’s a great way to foster new interests and relationships.
For more information contact Esther Hethcox.

A monthly gathering of adults for a meal, socializing, games, or sometimes service projects. Most gatherings are in participants’ home or backyards and children of all ages are welcome to join the fun. This group also enjoys an annual beach trip.
For further information contact Deborah Momsen-Hudson or Christyn Klinck.

MnM is a fellowship community of adults in their late 20 to 40s – single or with life partners – who wish to engage others in a similar stage of life. We meet online every week on Sunday evenings (8:00 p.m.) to share the ups and downs of our lives and discuss a (very) short reading about faith. We talk about how to find God and meaning in the middle of wherever we are: as Christians, as professionals, as friends and family, as parents, as middle-of-life adults (whatever that circumstance might look like for you). We also gather monthly in-person at various spots in Durham or for potlucks and have an annual retreat for planning and fellowship.
To receive emails about joining our Sunday discussion/Check-in hour and attending the fellowship events, please subscribe to our Google listserv

Open to all men of the church, Men of Faith meets the 1st Friday of every month for breakfast at Mad Hatters on Broad and Main St. It is an opportunity to enjoy one another, share concerns and participate more fully in the life and ministry of the Church.
For more information contact Eric Wiebe.
Meeting each first Monday of the month from 10:30 a.m. – noon and utilizing the Presbyterian Women’s Horizon Bible Study this group gathers for a time of prayer, study and fellowship as well as caring for each other and reaching out to homebound members.
For more information contact Linn Lopez.
A diverse group (in age and personality) currently meeting every other month discussing titles ranging from The Book of Joy by Desmund Tutu, The House of Broken Angels by Luis Alberto Urrea, and Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi. Each June participants can submit recommendations: one in each of three categories: fiction, non-fiction, and spiritual/religious. Regular potluck dinners pair laughter, learning, and fellowship.
Upcoming books include:
May 13: North Woods by Daniel Mason
June 10: Potluck Dinner
July 8: Reading Genesis by Marilynn Robinson
For more information contact Dale Gaddis.

(on hiatus in COVID-tide, watch for updates about regathering)
This is a ubiquitous crowd whose ages are from 50 to?? (but who’s counting?) Most of these folks have children who are long gone from home. Prime Timers gather approximately six times per year for a covered dish supper in members’ homes. The members are among the first to roll up their sleeves for workdays and special projects around the church.
For more information contact Shirley Frederick.

Open to all 6th-12th graders. Middle schoolers (6th-8th grades) and high schoolers (9th-12th) gather to play and pray, to belong, relax and grow in faith. During the pandemic, there is a mix of online and socially distant, in-person gatherings for both groups, all of which is evolving as we make our way through this strange time. A dedicated team of faithful adult advisors supports each cohort.
Contact the Rev. John Weicher to find out more, get on the weekly e-mail list, or simply make a connection.