Our church is a member of Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations, and Neighborhoods). We join with other organizations to advocate for affordable housing, community safety, jobs, transportation, food security, and other issues to improve the lives of Durham’s residents. Any member of our church can join an Action Team which focuses on one issue and brings a specific “ask” to elected officials and other people in positions of power. To read more about Durham CAN, go to durhamcan.org. If you are interested in participating more in Durham CAN, contact Susan Dunlap, sjd4@duke.edu.
This group addresses reconciliation and reparations with communities of color. We have read extensively on white privilege, the history of race in America, reparations, and other matters of importance to the cause of racial justice. We have visited the Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro, visited the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, and traveled to D.C. with the Poor People’s Campaign. We have led the Presbytery of New Hope to a resolution on ending cash bail in North Carolina. This active group meets monthly and welcomes anyone who wants to participate in this important work. For more information, contact Jon Abels, jabels@duke.edu or Kathy Krahenbuhl, kat.krahenbuhl@gmail.com.
All are invited to participate in the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in partnership with a farmer of color, Sankofa Farms in Efland. Our church does this in collaboration with RAFI-USA's Farm and Faith Partnerships Project and with two other congregations, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and Eno River UU Fellowship. The cost is $30/First week for full share or $15/week for half share. For more information, contact Tom Bacon, bacon44@gmail.com.
We meet monthly to explore the link between environmental sustainability and our charge to care for all of God’s creation. Our church has been actively engaged in conservation, recycling, and other environmental stewardship projects for many many years, but as the issues continue to pile up, an intentional focus and commitment from the governing body and congregation is necessary. We have assessed our church through PC(USA)’s Earth Care Audit and by forwarding a motion to the Session to affirm the Earth Care Pledge. The pledge was affirmed and signed by our clerk of session in October 2020, and we were recognized as an official PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation. We have pledged to incorporate care for the creation in our worship, education, facilities, and outreach. To get involved and for more information, contact Cris Rivera, mcrisrivera@gmail.com.
This group of adults works with someone who is reentering society after being in prison. This is a "be with" ministry. The care team program is run by The Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham. For more information, contact Jane Brown, janefrancesbrown@gmail.com.
Founded in 1935 to address racial inequality, the North Carolina Council of Churches was quite possibly the first place in North Carolina, or even the southeast, that white and black leaders sat together as equals around the same table to address issues mutually important to all. Our members include 26 judicatories of 18 denominations and seven individual congregations. ur primary program areas right now are environmental justice and health and welfare. We are also extensively advocating around gun violence prevention, public education, raising wages, overdose awareness, racial equity, HIV advocacy, mental health advocacy, death penalty abolition, cash bail reform, and immigrants’ rights. With each new enterprise, the Council frequently finds itself out in front of where society and the church eventually end up. For more information go to: https://ncchurches.org/.