Meaning in the Middle (M’nMs)

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!
We are Meaning in the Middle (M’nMs).
MnM is a faith formation group and a fellowship community of adults in their late 20 to 40s – single or with life partners – who wish to engage others in a similar stage of life.
Discussion and Community: We meet online every week on Sunday evenings to share the ups and downs of our lives and discuss a (very) short reading about faith. We talk about how to find God and meaning in the middle of wherever we are: as Christians, as professionals, as friends and family, as parents, as middle-of-life adults (whatever that circumstance might look like for you).
We enjoy gathering for monthly picnics or potlucks and have an annual retreat for planning and fellowship. New faces are always welcome at any of our activities or Sunday evening Zoom discussions.
Some of the ways we have formed and informed our faith over the years:
- Hiked Occoneechee Mountain in Hillsborough
- Led the Vespers Service at our All-Church Gathering at Camp New Hope
- Played jeopardy and trivia online together during COVID times
- Read Laura Winner’s book, “Wearing God,” and met the author for an informal discussion
- Shared delicious food over potlucks at each other’s homes
- Volunteered at the Florence Forth Road Race in Durham
- Continued to grow more involved in the life of the church. From singing in the choir to ringing bells to helping with youth group to serving as elders and deacons, we are excited about our impact on the future of the church.
Leadership for our weekly online faith formation discussions rotates among the group and different members take turns leading our fellowship activities. The Rev. John Weicher provides leadership and guidance for our group.
It takes something like 28 hours together to begin to feel like a relationship is established. In other words, community doesn’t happen overnight! Christian community takes commitment. The ancient desert fathers and mothers say, “If you gain your sister or brother, you gain God.” If any of this speaks to you or if you want to learn more about who we are, what we do, or what we believe, please send an email to Rev. John Weicher.
To receive emails about joining our Sunday discussion/Check-in hour and attending the fellowship events, please subscribe to our Google listserv.