We are celebrating Pentecost this Sunday, May 23

We are celebrating Pentecost this Sunday, May 23

On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit descending in a mighty rush of wind and flame to inspire the church’s proclamation of Christ’s rising and to empower its mission and ministry to the world.

11:00 AM Worship and Holy Communion.  We will also ordain and install new officers during worship.  The PCUSA Pentecost Offering will also be received which supports children, youth and young adults grow in their faith and share their faith, ideas and unique gifts with the church and the world.  We will also receive the Hunger for Change offering

Even though we will not be together in the sanctuary this Sunday, members are asked to show their Pentecost spirit by wearing red, orange, or yellow as they worship!  AND . . . remember to assemble your elements (bread and cup) for communion prior to worship.