Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Join us for worship (in-person and online) . . .

At 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 24, you are invited to join us in-person for (or watch via live-stream) our Christmas Eve worship that will include communion and the lighting of candles. This traditional service will include seasonal music by the Chancel Choir, scripture reading, and a meditation by Mindy DouglasClick here to view the worship guide.

This year’s Christmas Eve Offering will support FPC’s refugee families (more info here) and the Walk-in Ministry which provides financial assistance to Durham neighbors for rent, utility bills, medications and other needs as deemed appropriate. You may bring your offering to FPC, mail it, or give it online (click here). You can also donate via text message by texting XMASEVE to 917-373-3254.

At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day, we will worship and celebrate the birth of our Savior and King! You can join us in person in the sanctuary or via YouTube/live stream (click here). John Weicher will give the sermon. Gordon Campbell and Taylor Eppinger will provide special music. This service will include communion. We will also receive the Hunger for Change offering, our final opportunity to give for 2022. Click here to view the worship bulletin.

For those watching live stream, we ask that you gather your communion elements and candle(s) before worship begins.

Please plan now to spend some time before Christmas Eve reflecting on the miracle of Christ’s birth and feel free to share with friends and family the two links to view these services live.

Wishing you all a safe and very merry Christmas and a blessed new year!

NOTE: The church office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 26-27 in observance of the Christmas holiday.