2024 Stewardship Campaign Videos & Stories
2024 Stewardship Campaign
Sing a New World into Being
Inclusion & Welcome

Service and Mission
As long-time members of First Presbyterian, we find it important to pledge each year and give back in both our finances and time for what God generously has provided us as a family. One of the many reasons is the Service & Mission Committee that Alec & Rachel have been members on. As parents of two delightful kids, we want the world to be a better place for them, but also for everyone else, too. The committee serves a diversity of initiatives, but one of the things that is most important to us is giving back to the community at large.
We are extraordinarily proud of FPC’s generous support of a diversity of community groups, ranging from organizations trying to alleviate poverty and homelessness to supporting racial justice and the aging population. The thing we love most about the church is not only the fact that church opens its checkbook but also that it is deeply hands-on and engaged in the many organizations it supports.
One of the non-profits that FPC supports is Iglesia Emanuel food pantry, which serves over 600 families a week in Durham by providing fresh food. We have had the honor of being able to spend some of our Saturdays as a family bagging beans and rice for these families. It allows our children Juliet (9) and Colin (12) also to participate and see that they can make a difference to help the community.
We invite you to consider what you can pledge as well for this upcoming year and help us continue to do the good work and mission of the church.
Rachel, Alec, Colin, and Juliet Bethune

Worship and Christian Education
Oct 29, 2023
Drew Cummings speaks about Worship and Christian Education and FPC