God, our refuge and our strength, you are an ever-present help in trouble.
You see the devastation caused by the California wildfires. You hear the cries of those suffering loss. You know the fear and anxiety and exhaustion of those waiting, hoping, helping as they watch the fires burn.
For those forced to abandon their homes and shelters in search of safety, we pray for your guidance to find places of rest. For those called to fight the fires, we pray for your strength to persevere. For those ministering to the injured, we pray for your wisdom and guidance to heal. For those mourning loss, we pray for your comfort. For those accompanying others, near or far, we pray for your upholding. For those still in danger’s path, we pray for your protection.
Now and in the days and weeks to come, we trust that you are present. You have promised that even in the darkest of valleys, you will never leave nor forsake your children.
God, our refuge and our strength, you are an ever-present help in trouble. As your incarnate presence brought hope to those in need, may the Church, your body, be the presence of help and hope in Los Angeles County and beyond.
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
The Rev. Jihyun Oh is Stated Clerk of the General Assembly and Executive Director of the Interim Unified Agency.
October 1, 2024
Dear friends,
As you well know, the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene is almost unfathomable. In multiple states, the death toll continues to rise, and people are still stranded without electricity or water. Some have been able to leave the area and find places of refuge with family or friends. Others are in shelters not knowing what the next day will bring. People all around the country are in shock at what has happened to innumerable people, communities, towns, and cities.
Many in the areas where the devastation has occurred have turned to helping one another. Those of us who have witnessed the damage from afar continue to ask what we can do. We continue to hear messages urging people not to come, including a recent one from Orange County Sherriff’s Office as too many roads are still impassable and the ones that are passable need to be open for emergency vehicles. Some are gathering goods to take to those in need in different areas, but what is most needed by rescue organizations in this moment is money.
If you have means to contribute and are still looking for a place to give, I would recommend the following organizations doing work on the ground:
Hearts with Hands (swannanoa/asheville): a local organization supplying food to buncombe county sheltershttps://www.heartswithhands.org
Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM): donations help to pay for motel and food vouchers for local residents and long term support for those displacedAbccm.org/donations/ministry-fund/
Haywood Christian Ministry: WNC’s largest food pantry distributing food in Ashevillehcmnc.org
Diaper Bank: Babies need Bottoms Asheville: distributing children’s supplies including diapers, cream, and wipesbabiesneedbottoms.org
Asheville Habitat for Humanity: Asheville’s chapter helping to rebuild homes and repair damage from Helene ashevillehabitat.org
We will no doubt be sending goods and teams to help in the clean-up and rebuilding process in the weeks and months ahead. For now, in addition to your donations, please continue to hold all those affected by this storm and those who are on the ground providing aid and support in your prayers.
Prayer for Hurricane Victims in Western, NC and Beyond
Lord God, as we watch in helplessness the devastation of rains and wind, we lift up our hearts in lament. For those whose homes have been washed away, Lord in your mercy. For the lives lost to trees and wreckage, Lord in your mercy. For the upheaval of the familiar and important, Lord in your mercy. For the safety of first responders and volunteers, Lord in your mercy. For the anxiety of waiting for contact, Lord in your mercy. For the loss of power, connection and comfort, Lord in your mercy. For those who do not have the resources to rebuild, whose lives will forever be scarred by this storm and whose families will suffer the injustice of poverty and inequity, Lord in your mercy. May our prayers not be the end of our compassion. May our words not be the only thing we offer. For Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Cuba. For all these O God, we name in this hour. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. “God is our refuge and our strength, our ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46). May you know God’s comforting presence and indominable strength in the midst of this tragedy.
Esther Hethcox
March 30, 2025Fourth Sunday in Lent9:45 a.m. Classes for ages 2 - 5th grade
9:45 a.m. Middle & High School youth
9:45 a.m. Adult classes
11:00 AM Worship (in-person and live-stream)
“The Presbyterian Brother”Wilson GunnWorship Bulletin