Support the CSA Project with Sankofa Farms
First Presbyterian, through the Creation Care Committee, is once again participating in a community supported agriculture (CSA) project with Sankofa Farms in Orange County. The boxes of vegetables will be delivered to First Pres every Thursday afternoon, beginning May 18, and be available for pickup between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. in the church foyer. This cycle will run for six weeks, from May 18-June 22. Other pickup options include Thursday evenings at Westminster Presbyterian from 6:00-7:30, and Saturday mornings at the Hillsborough Farmers Market from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. The cost is $35 per week for a full share and $25 for a half share. For the full six weeks it is $210 for a full share and $150 for a half share.
Go now to the Sankofa Farms website, and once there, click on “Shop”. Pay at checkout.
The website is
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, feel free to contact Tom Bacon, George or Johanna Bernhardt,