Core Values List
Core Values Statements
Draft for Congregational Comment
May 30, 2010
At First Presbyterian Church:
“Faith Exploration” – We welcome and encourage those of all ages and at all points on their faith journey.
“Diversity/Inclusiveness” – Our baptism calls us to invite and encourage a diverse and inclusive community.
“Worship” – Our corporate worship honors our reformed tradition through strong preaching and a liturgy where the administration of the sacraments invites us as a community to focus on God through our senses, our intellect, and our emotions.
“Sense of place in downtown Durham” – We are downtown by history and by choice and committed to addressing the needs of Durham’s urban community.
“Service, social justice, mission, and advocacy” – We advocate for social justice and respond to the “cry of the poor.”
“Strong Foundation” – We promote a strong institutional infrastructure by planning for long term needs of our physical plant, good management of our resources, hospitality to the larger community and an effective staff to promote collaborative ministry.
“Pastoral Care” – We care for each other, nurturing mind, body, and spirit throughout life’s journey.
“Our Sense of Community” – We recognize, affirm and rejoice in our faith community.