
It’s summer, and we’ve changed gears for our time together.  Check out the Sunday School section of the newsletter for the books being studied this summer by our adults and youth, and the movies being watched and discussed by the children.  


Some classes will be combined for the summer, but Sunday School will continue from week to week for the entire congregation.

Adults have three options:

1 – Engage in a study of the book: This class (aka Faith and Community Class) is currently meeting in Watts-Hill Hall at 9:45 on Sunday mornings to discuss the book, Fear of the Other:  No Fear in Love, by Will Willimon.  In the introduction, Willimon notes that Xenophobia, fear of the stranger, was last year’s “word of the year.”  “This gutys, biblically rich, theologically searing book by Willimon gigs everybody’s sacred cow.  Not only is the one whom Christ loves Other, but God is Other.  The ground beneath us shakes the walls that divide us.  If you holed-up happy with people who look like you, don’t read this thing.  I will screw up your world,” says Tex Sample.

Some questions we are considering during this summer study: 

  • Is the one you fear truly a threat to you or are you simply fearful because this one is different from you?
  • How is God leading you, and what does God expect of you in relationship with this Other?
  • How is our church identified with people who are the same in race, ethnicity, economic class or cultural affinity?  How are these markers a barrier to others?
  • Think of a person who is or was your enemy.  What changed or would need to change for you to love your enemy?

2 – Attend the Lectionary Class which meets year-round.  Adults and youth may attend this class each Sunday at 9:45 in the East Parlor.

3 – Women’s Spiritual Formation Class Susan Dunlap leads this class year round for women. This class meets at 9:45 in a basement classroom.


CHILDREN and Youth 

Let’s Go To The Movies!  Grades 1st through Youth will meet on the second floor of the CE building to watch and then discuss age appropriate movies this summer! We will spend two and sometimes three Sundays on each movie.  Following each viewing we will discuss Christian themes and share a snack.

Three year olds through rising K’s will meet in the Playroom during the Sunday School hour.

For more information and to lead a children’s class discussion, email Marilyn Hedgpeth at [email protected].