
Stations of the Cross event CANCELLED due to high winds

Stations of the Cross event CANCELLED due to high winds

So sorry we’re not able to make this Refugee Journeys art installation available. Wind was literally ripping them off the stakes as we tried to do the install.

A link to artist Mary Button’s work can be found on our FPC Facebook group.

Palm/Passion Sunday and Holy Week

Palm/Passion Sunday and Holy Week

Throughout Holy Week you are invited to experience the Stations of the Cross through the eyes of artist Mary Button. The series explores the intersection of Christ’s journey to the cross and the global stories of forced migration, relocation of indigenous peoples, and the movement of refugees. Numbered art installations will be set along the sidewalk outdoors at the back of the church. A brochure will be available at the first station, offering information about this ancient practice, each of the stations, and a prayer.

Maundy Thursday, April 1 – 7:00 p.m. – Virtual Worship with Holy Communion (Click here to watch the service live-streamed on Thursday evening.)

Good Friday, April 2 and Saturday, April 3 – during daylight hours – Experience the Stations of the Cross (FPC grounds; see information above)

Easter Sunday, April 4 at 11:00 a.m. – Virtual Worship with Holy Communion (Click on WORSHIP on Sunday morning to watch the service live-streamed.)

“This is not okay.”

“This is not okay.”

Dear Friends,

It pains me so to write this, another message responding to senseless acts of violence perpetrated against communities and individuals of color. For the past year, our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander siblings in the United States have increasingly been the victims of verbal racial slurs and unprovoked physical attacks. These attacks have arisen out of ignorance and the acceptance of faulty information related to the pandemic and because of xenophobia. This week, the violence escalated as a single white male murdered eight people – six of them women of Asian descent. This is not okay. 

Click here to read this entire letter to the FPC congregation from Pastor Mindy Douglas.

Join us for Evening Prayer

Join us for Evening Prayer

After almost a year, we are winding down Thursday night Evening Prayers. Cris Rivera will lead our final one this week, February 24. Originally on Tuesday and Thursday nights in the pandemic, these moments of worship, praise, lament, hope, and honesty have been an important part of our life together as FPC in these difficult times. We offer our deep thanks to all of the worship leaders – too many to name here – for faithfully sharing their gifts. A special word of thanks to Steve Rimmer, who has been the recruiter-in-chief for this ministry.

Ash Wednesday Worship

Ash Wednesday Worship

LENT BEGINS!  Join us on Wednesday, February 17 at 7 PM via FPC’s YouTube channel for a  live-streamed service of worship with the symbolic imposition of ashes and holy communion.  Click here to see the worship guide for the service.  Remember to prepare your communion elements (bread and cup) before worship begins.

Lenten Book Study

Lenten Book Study

Brené Brown’s “Braving the Wilderness

We will read this seven-chapter book one chapter at a time as we make our way through Lent. We meet over Zoom on Tuesdays beginning at 6:15 p.m. Click this link to join the class.

About the book: “Social scientist Brené Brown has sparked a global conversation about the experience of bringing meaning to our lives – experiences of courage, vulnerability, love, belonging, shame, and empathy.  In Braving the Wilderness, she redefines what it means to truly belong in an age of increased polarization. . . . Brown argues that we’re experiencing a spiritual crisis of disconnection and introduces four practices of true belonging.  She offers us the clarity and courage we need to find our way back to ourselves and to each other, and that path cuts right through the wilderness, the untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching.”

Here is a link to more info about the book and its author. Contact Mindy Douglas to join this Zoom discussion.

FPC Legacy Society holds Forum

FPC Legacy Society holds Forum

Building Your Christian Legacy

The FPC Planned Giving Committee would like to invite you to join us for a “Forum on Building Your Christian Legacy” on February 23, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom (see registration link below).  We hope that whether you are already a Legacy Society member or are interested in learning more about planned giving, that you will join us for this special event.

Register in advance: ttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tduCtrzssH93AoVc91uG78MdpikCbuTL7. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.

Here is a video that tells a little about the Legacy Society at First Presbyterian Church. Learn more about our speaker, Joseph Moore, here.

What is the Legacy Society?
Planned gifts, no matter the size, have the power to change lives for generations to come. You can become a Legacy Society member by providing for the future mission and ministry at First Presbyterian Church in your estate plans or through a life-income gift. Whatever your financial circumstances or your charitable goals, you can make a gift that benefits you and your loved ones as well as the church’s mission of following Jesus through a love of God and love and care for our neighbor.  

Annual Meeting of FPC

Sunday, February 21, at the end of our live-streamed worship (beginning at approximately 12 noon)

The FPC Session has called an annual meeting of the church to hear a report from the Finance Committee; to vote on changes to Terms of Call for the pastors, and to elect church officers (Class of 2022, 2023,2024) and persons to serve at-large on the Nominating Committee for 2021-2022.

Information on how to connect to the meeting via Zoom and profiles on the slate of officers for the election is being e-mailed to those with internet access and mailed to those without internet access. If you do not receive this information by Friday, February 19, please call the church office: 919-682-5511.